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NagadPaisa FirstFuel Event Connects Entrepreneurs with Investors

NagadPaisa FirstFuel Event Connects Entrepreneurs with Investors

NagadPaisa FirstFuel Event, Acquiring money during the initial funding round is a crucial phase in today’s constantly changing entrepreneur the marketplace which could really propel your business to new heights. This early stage of raising money, frequently referred to as “seed funding,” is about a lot more than simply raising money; it’s also about building partnerships, getting your business concepts verified, and building the foundation for development in the future. For many company owners, nevertheless, understanding the complicated world of funding can be rather difficult.

First Fuel Raising Initial Round of FundingSaturday, October 21, 202311:00 AM – 2:00 PM IST

Introducing the First Investment: Tips to Supercharge Your Initial Funding Round

To provide clarity on how to boost your startup’s first investment round, we’ve put together an informative webinar. Our goal is to help startups successfully secure their initial funding, pitch their ideas effectively, and ensure it’s all set. From grasping the basics of seed funding to creating a compelling pitch deck and navigating negotiations, we’ve got your back

NagadPaisa FirstFuel Event

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As stated in the form, NagadPaisa is a platform that provides companies with tailored funding options based on their need. It evaluates the startup on the basis of its concepts, sector, and financial information.

How the Information Gap is Bridged by NagadPaisa:

Information gaps between entrepreneurs and investors, including alternative investment funds (AIFs) and financial institutions like banks and non-banking financial firms (NBFCs), can occur in the quickly changing startup environment.

NagadPaisa has taken the lead in bridging this gap by setting up a platform that makes it simple for entrepreneurs to get in touch with investors. Not only that, but we also go above and above by offering insightful information and knowledge through educational activities.

FirstFuel for Startups Launches

We are excited to extend an invitation to you for our next educational online event. We’ve assembled a panel of experts for this event to talk about the fundamentals of fundraising and the essential procedures for effectively obtaining capital for startups.

This programme is your starting point for learning about the subtleties of fundraising, from pitching ideas to getting the funding you need to expand your company.

What does it benefit startups?

Attending NagadPaisa’s educational programme has several advantages for investors and startups

Our group of professionals will talk about the particulars of raising money along spreading their wisdom. You’re going to receive essential details that will assist you along the road to success, if you’re a shareholder seeking intriguing opportunities or an entrepreneur looking for financial services.

Networking Opportunities:

In in addition to picking the brains from industry experts, you’ll get acquainted with other business owners, investors, and entrepreneurs. In the world of business, communication is a powerful tool, and our programme provides an ideal environment for you to expand your employment experiences.

Transparent Guidance:

NagadPaisa is built on transparency. Our team of experts will provide you unbiased, honest advise. The dedication we demonstrate is to give customers the most accurate and up-to-date data available.

Interactive Q&A Session:

Do you have urgent inquiries concerning fundraising? We provide an interactive Q&A session as part of our programme so you can ask the experts questions and get their replies straight. There is no question too big or minor.

Learning More on NagadPaisa:

Learn about our goals of bringing together investors and entrepreneurs, our collaborations with banks, and the cutting-edge solutions we are creating. Learn how we’re facilitating easier and more accessible fundraising for all parties involved.

What our report delivers

Based on the life-cycle mentioned earlier, NagadPaisa aims to provide end-to-end support to startup and business owners who are facing challenges across any point of life-cycle. To startup owners, we are providing access to resources (ranging from state-government policies for startups, pitch deck preparation for raising funds, various funding sources – grants, VCs, loans from financial institutions).

• Steps:

Fill out inputs in the form in our website

• Business details provided by the business/startup owners (Incorporation Date, State, Sector)

• Financial Details Input by business/startup owners (Stage of businesses, ITR filed, annual revenue)

• Business requirement inputs (medium of funds required, quantum of funds required)

Report Deliverables:

State Government

• Our report will highlight state policies towards funding for startups. Each state has their unique incentive structure for startups based on sectors of operations, product and process innovation.

• Funding Grants – We will provide latest updates on grants and government initiatives offered through our reports. These updates keep the startup/business owners updated and never miss out on opportunities.

Medium of Funds

• Debt Funding – If as a business owner, you are availing debt funding, the report will highlight sources for debt funding (either via angel investor, or financial institution)

• Equity Funding – NagadPaisa has partnered with various venture capitals where we connect business owners with VCs based on the inputs and sectors VCs target.

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