Pathankot Attack Mastermind Shahid Latif Gunned Down by Unknown Assailants in Pakistan

According to reports, Pathankot Attack Mastermind Shahid Latif Gunned Down, one of India’s most wanted terrorists and the alleged mastermind behind the Pathankot attack, has been killed in Pakistan. Allegedly, unknown gunmen shot him in Sialkot. Shahid Latif was facing charges under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in India and was listed as a terrorist by the Indian government.”

The Pathankot terrorist attack was a conspiracy:

NIA’s investigation also unveiled that the Pathankot terrorist attack was planned in Pakistan and executed there. The terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed had trained four suicide bombers for this attack and sent them. The masterminds and handlers of these infiltrating terrorists were located in Pakistan, orchestrating the attack from there.

Shahid Latif, 47 years old, hailed from the Mor village in Aminabad Kasba of Gujranwala, Pakistan. He was known as the launching commander of Jaish. He had dispatched four Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorists to Pathankot.

Shahid Latif spent 11 years in Indian prisons:

It’s worth mentioning that Shahid Latif was arrested in India in 1993 on terrorist charges. He faced trial and was imprisoned. He served nearly 11 years in Indian prisons. After completing his sentence in India, he was sent to Pakistan in 2010. NIA’s investigation reveals that after his release from India, Shahid Latif returned to Pakistan and played a significant role in the Pathankot terrorist attack.”

Pathankot Attack Mastermind Shahid Latif Gunned Down

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Shahid Latif was associated with the terrorist organization Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) and played a key role in commanding the organization’s operations. He was involved in planning several terrorist attacks launched by JeM on India. The Indian government had declared him a proclaimed offender, and the NIA was actively seeking him in a UAPA case.

It’s worth noting that the NIA had filed a chargesheet in the Pathankot terror case, identifying four masterminds behind the attack, with Shahid Latif being one of them. “He had motivated and sent the four JeM terrorists to Pathankot. From Pakistan, Latif also coordinated with them before and during the terror attack,” stated the NIA.

Shahid Latif was arrested on terrorism charges in India in 1993. He underwent a trial and served a prison sentence. However, he was released by the Congress-led UPA government in 2010, along with 24 other terrorists. According to an NIA investigation, after his release, Shahid Latif returned to the Jihadi factory in Pakistan.

Interestingly, Shahid Latif, the primary handler of the terrorist team that attacked the Pathankot airbase in January 2016, was released by India in 2010 as part of the Manmohan Singh government’s effort to improve relations with Pakistan.

Interestingly, Shahid Latif, the primary handler of the terrorist team that attacked the Pathankot airbase in January 2016, was released by India in 2010 as part of the Manmohan Singh government’s effort to improve relations with Pakistan.

At the age of 47, Latif had spent 11 years in Indian prisons for his involvement in terrorist activities. He was one of 25 terrorists associated with Lashkar-e-Taiba, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, and JeM who were released on May 28, 2010, as part of the then-UPA government’s diplomatic outreach to the neighboring country. They had been imprisoned in various Indian cities before being deported to Pakistan via Wagah.

Notably, the same Jaish terrorists who had hijacked Indian Airlines flight IC-814 in December 1999 to secure the release of their leader, terrorist Maulana Masood Azhar, along with two other prisoners in exchange for 154 passengers, had demanded the release of Latif. However, Latif and the other 31 individuals on Jaish’s “wish list” were not released by the Vajpayee administration at the time.”

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